Feral Honey Bee Colony
26 hives are in the Rausch family jurisdiction on September 1st, 2018. 92.8% survival since last spring (26 of 28)
19 Langstroth hives
7 Warre hives
Queen age distribution:
2018 – 18 queens (14 certain age, 4 likely age)
2017 – 8 queens (4 certain age, 4 likely age)
2 overwintered hives died in late spring.
9 early spring (Maple flow) splits failed, probably since early spring splits need to be larger than 4 frame nucs.
no hives died from starvation.
10 hives in March
-2 hives died in summer from the overwintered stock
+8 swarms added (4 from my own bees, 4 from outside the apiary)
+4 splits made
+5 cut outs completed
+1 gift received
26 hives alive on September 1st, 2018